/*Double Linked List*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct node { struct node *prev; int n; struct node *next; }; struct node *curr,*temp,*pr; struct node* create(struct node*); void display(struct node*); void inspos(struct node*); struct node* insbeg(struct node*); void insend(struct node*); struct node* delbeg(struct node*); struct node *delend(struct node*); void delpos(struct node *); void count(struct node*); void search(struct node*); void sort(struct node*); void reverse(struct node*); struct node* split(struct node*); void merge(struct node*,struct node*); void sort(struct node*); void main(void) { struct node *s,*s1; int ch,cch; s=NULL; s1=NULL; do { printf("1.Create\n"); printf("2.Display\n"); printf("3.Insend\n"); printf("4.Insbeg\n"); printf("5.Inspos\n"); printf("6.Delbeg\n"); printf("7.Delend\n"); printf("8.Delpos\n"); printf("9.Reverse\n"); printf("10.Count\n"); printf("11.Search\n"); printf("12.Split\n"); printf("13.Merge\n"); printf("14.Sort\n"); printf("15.Exit\n"); printf("Enter the choice"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1:s=create(s); break; case 2: printf("1.First list\n2.Second List\n"); printf("Enter the choice"); scanf("%d",&cch); if (cch==1) { display(s); } else if (cch==2) { display(s1); } break; case 3:insend(s); break; case 4:s=insbeg(s); break; case 5:inspos(s); break; case 6:s=delbeg(s); break; case 7:s=delend(s); break; case 8:delpos(s); break; case 9:reverse(s); break; case 10:count(s); break; case 11:search(s); break; case 12:s1=split(s); break; case 13:merge(s,s1); s1=NULL; break; case 14:sort(s); break; } }while(ch!=15); } struct node *create(struct node *x) { if (x==NULL) { x=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("Enter the number"); scanf("%d",&x->n); x->prev=NULL; x->next=NULL; return x; } else { printf("The List already created\n"); return x; } } void display(struct node *x) { curr=x; while(curr!=NULL) { printf("%d->",curr->n); curr=curr->next; } } void insend(struct node *x) { curr=x; while(curr->next!=NULL) { curr=curr->next; } temp=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("Enter the number"); scanf("%d",&temp->n); temp->next=NULL; curr->next=temp; temp->prev=curr; } struct node *insbeg(struct node *x) { temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("Enter the number"); scanf("%d",&temp->n); temp->next=x; x->prev=temp; return temp; } void inspos(struct node *x) { int pos,c=1; curr=x; printf("Enter the pos to be inserted\n"); scanf("%d",&pos); while(curr->next!=NULL) { c++; if (c==pos) { temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("Enter the number"); scanf("%d",&temp->n); temp->next=curr->next; curr->next->prev=temp; curr->next=temp; temp->prev=curr; break; } curr=curr->next; } } struct node *delbeg(struct node *x) { curr=x; if (curr==NULL) { printf("No node to be deleted\n"); return x; } else if (curr->next==NULL) { printf("U r deleting one and only node\n"); free(curr); x=NULL; return x; } else { x=x->next; x->prev=NULL; free(curr); return x; } } struct node* delend(struct node *x) { curr=x; if (curr==NULL) { printf("No node to be deleted\n"); return x; } else if (curr->next==NULL) { printf("u r deleting final node\n"); free(curr); x=NULL; return x; } else { while(curr->next!=NULL) { pr=curr; curr=curr->next; } pr->next=NULL; free(curr); return x; } } void delpos(struct node *x) { int pos,c=1; curr=x; printf("Enter the pos to be deleted\n"); scanf("%d",&pos); while(curr->next!=NULL) { c++; if (c==pos) { temp=curr->next; curr->next->next->prev=curr; curr->next=curr->next->next; free(temp); break; } curr=curr->next; } } void reverse(struct node *x) { curr=x; while(curr->next!=NULL) { curr=curr->next; } while(curr!=NULL) { printf("%d->",curr->n); curr=curr->prev; } } void count(struct node *x) { int c=0; curr=x; while(curr!=NULL) { curr=curr->next; c++; } printf("The count of the nodes are %d\n",c); } void search(struct node *x) { int se; curr=x; printf("Enter the searching element\n"); scanf("%d",&se); while(curr!=NULL) { if (curr->n==se) { printf("The element found\n"); break; } curr=curr->next; } if (curr==NULL) { printf("The element not found\n"); } } struct node * split(struct node *x) { int pos,c=1; curr=x; printf("Enter the pos to split\n"); scanf("%d",&pos); while(curr->next!=NULL) { c++; if (c==pos) { temp=curr->next; curr->next=NULL; temp->prev=NULL; break; } curr=curr->next; } return temp; } void merge(struct node *x,struct node *y) { curr=x; while(curr->next!=NULL) { curr=curr->next; } curr->next=y; y->prev=curr; } void sort(struct node *x) { int c=0,i,j,te; curr=x; while(curr!=NULL) { curr=curr->next; c++; } for(i=0;i<c;i++) { curr=x; for(j=0;j<c-i-1;j++) { if (curr->n > curr->next->n) { te=curr->n; curr->n=curr->next->n; curr->next->n=te; } curr=curr->next; } } }
C Program For Double Linked List
January 04, 2015
Bhanu Namikaze

Bhanu Namikaze
Bhanu Namikaze is an Ethical Hacker, Security Analyst, Blogger, Web Developer and a Mechanical Engineer. He Enjoys writing articles, Blogging, Debugging Errors and Capture the Flags. Enjoy Learning; There is Nothing Like Absolute Defeat - Try and try until you Succeed.
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