//Address book in c++ with graphics(Buttons),mouse support // password is "swordfish" // please enter all 9 letters to activate menu #include <stdio.h> #include <fstream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <dos.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream.h> #include <process.h> #include <iomanip.h> #define DOS 0x21 #define MAX 100 enum { MAIN = 150,STARTUP=200, SIDE = 10}; //starting coordinates of button char *start[] = {"Login ", "Quit" }; char *menu[] = { "File", "Edit", "Search", "Quit" }; char *side[] = {"Connect", "Log off" }; union REGS i,o,regs; class Directory { char path_DB[20]; fstream out; ifstream in; int p; int DB_OPENED; public: void StartupScreen(); int Accept_Password(); void Draw_Buttons(int,int,char *b[]); void Enable_Mouse(); void getMousePos(int *,int *,int *); int Find_Position(int,int,int); void Exit_Screen(); void Main_Screen(int); void EntryPage(); void EditPage(); void SearchPage(); void Intro_Graphics(int); void Change_Selected_Menu(int,int); void Open_Database(); void Add_Entry(); void DisplayAll(); void Delete_Entry(); void Search_Entry(); void Replace_Entry(); void Cleanup_onexit(); Directory() { DB_OPENED=0; p=200; } }; void Directory::Cleanup_onexit() { // Disable mouse i.x.ax = 0; int86(0x33,&i,&o); // close graphics mode clearviewport(); closegraph(); } void Directory::Enable_Mouse() { i.x.ax = 1; int86(0x33,&i,&o); } void Directory::StartupScreen() { clearviewport(); settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,4); setcolor(RED); outtextxy(220,10,"ADDRESS BOOK"); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,1); outtextxy(200,60,"Enter 9 letter Password to log in"); outtextxy(185,70,"Enter password to make QUIT button active"); rectangle(150,150,480,300); rectangle(250,250,355,280); gotoxy(22,17); cout<<"Password: "; } void Directory::Draw_Buttons(int x,int y,char *start[]) { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); bar(x,y,x+70,y+20); // 3 D Effect for buttons setcolor(WHITE); line(x,y,x,y+20); line(x,y,x+70,y); setcolor(BLACK); line(x+70,y+20,x,y+20); line(x+70,y+20,x,y+20); // ************** setcolor(DARKGRAY); rectangle(x-1,y-1,x+71,y+21); outtextxy(x+5,y+10,start[0]); } int Directory::Find_Position(int x,int y,int code) { int l,LENGTH,i,next; switch(code) { case 200: //for start up l = strlen(start[0]); for (i=0;i<2;i++) { if (l<strlen(start[i])) l = strlen(start[i]); } LENGTH = l*8+35; //convert to row - column next=code+160; int Y=180; if (x>p && x<p+LENGTH) { if(y>Y && y<Y+20) return 1; } else if (x>next && x<next+LENGTH) { if(y>Y && y<Y+20) return 2; } else return 0; break; case 150: //for main page l = strlen(menu[0]); for (i=0;i<4;i++) { if (l<strlen(menu[i])) l = strlen(menu[i]); } LENGTH = l*8+30; //convert to row - column next=code; Y=60; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { if(x>next && x<next+LENGTH) { if(y>Y && y<Y+20) return (i+1); } else next+=90; } return 0; case 10: //for side buttons l = strlen(side[0]); for (i=0;i<2;i++) { if (l<strlen(side[i])) l = strlen(side[i]); } LENGTH = l*8+35; //convert to row - column Y=50; int v=10; if (x>v && x<v+LENGTH) { if(y>Y && y<Y+20) return 11; else { Y+=40; if(y>Y && y<Y+20) return 22; } } else return 0; } //switch return -1; } int Directory::Accept_Password() { char pass[10]; int pos=35; int button=0,x1,y1; int position; gotoxy(35,17); for (int j=0;j<9;j++) { regs.h.ah=8; int86(DOS,�s,�s); pass[j]=regs.h.al; regs.h.ah=0x02; regs.h.dl='*'; int86(DOS,�s,�s); delay(300); gotoxy(pos,17); cout<<"."; pos++; } sound(300); delay(100); nosound(); while(1) { getMousePos(&button,&x1,&y1); delay(40); if (button==1) { position = Find_Position(x1,y1,STARTUP); pass[j]='
C++ Program To Create Address Book With Graphics
January 04, 2015
Bhanu Namikaze

Bhanu Namikaze
Bhanu Namikaze is an Ethical Hacker, Security Analyst, Blogger, Web Developer and a Mechanical Engineer. He Enjoys writing articles, Blogging, Debugging Errors and Capture the Flags. Enjoy Learning; There is Nothing Like Absolute Defeat - Try and try until you Succeed.
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