#include<constream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> #include<string.h> #include<math.h> union REGS i,o; //FOR HARDWARE INTERFACE class Window { protected: public: void win() { setbkcolor(BLACK); setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); rectangle(1,1,631,478); floodfill(2,2,LIGHTGRAY); setcolor(BLUE); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); //TASK BAR rectangle(5,5,625,26); floodfill(6,6,BLUE); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(7,0,1); outtextxy(12,3,"02_Batch Software"); //MAX: BUTTON setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); rectangle(592,9,604,22); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); floodfill(594,10,LIGHTGRAY); setcolor(BLACK); line(604,9,604,22); line(592,22,604,22); rectangle(594,11,599,18); rectangle(596,13,601,20); setcolor(WHITE); line(592,9,604,9); line(592,9,592,22); //MIN: BUTTON setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); rectangle(575,9,587,22); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); floodfill(576,10,LIGHTGRAY); setcolor(BLACK); line(587,9,587,22); line(575,22,587,22); line(578,16,584,16); setcolor(WHITE); line(575,9,587,9); line(575,9,575,22); //CLOSE BUTTON setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); rectangle(609,9,621,22); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); floodfill(610,10,LIGHTGRAY); setcolor(BLACK); line(621,9,621,22); line(609,22,621,22); setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE,0,3); line(612,12,618,18); line(618,12,612,18); setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE,0,1); setcolor(WHITE); line(609,9,620,9); line(609,9,609,21); setcolor(DARKGRAY); //RECTANGLE FOR MENUS AND SELECTIONS rectangle(5,28,625,120); //LINES FOR MENU BAR line(9,55,575,55); line(575,55,575,30); //LINES FOR ADRESS BAR line(8,95,622,95); line(64,98,64,118);//vertical line(613,98,613,115);//right vertical line(613,115,601,115);//down horizontal // LINE FOR DRAGER 1 line(16,60,16,90); line(16,90,14,90); // LINE FOR DRAGER 2 line(16,33,16,48); line(16,48,14,48); // LINE FOR DRAGER 1 line(16,100,16,115); line(16,115,14,115); setcolor(WHITE); //LINES WITH ABOVE RECTANLE line(6,29,624,29); line(6,29,6,119); //LINES WITH MENU BAR line(9,56,624,56); line(576,55,576,30); //LINES FOR DRAGER 1 line(14,33,14,48); line(14,33,16,33); //LINES FOR DRAGER 2 line(14,60,14,90); line(14,60,16,60); //LINES FOR DRAGER 3 line(14,100,14,115); line(14,100,16,100); //LINES FOR ADRESS BAR line(64,118,616,118); line(616,118,616,96); line(613,99,600,99); line(600,99,600,115); line(8,96,622,96); //RECTANGLE FOR ADRESS BAR setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,WHITE); rectangle(66,99,599,116); floodfill(67,100,WHITE); setcolor(BLACK); //LINES FOR ADRESS BAR line(65,97,614,97);//up horizonal line(614,97,614,116);//right vertical line(65,97,65,116);//left vertical line(614,116,600,116);//down horizontal line(605,107,609,107);//adress bar button trianle line(606,108,608,108); line(607,109,607,109); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLACK); rectangle(577,30,623,55); floodfill(578,31,BLACK); //MENUS setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,4); outtextxy(35,38,"File"); line(34,50,37,50); outtextxy(70,38,"Edit"); line(69,50,72,50); outtextxy(110,38,"View"); line(110,50,113,50); outtextxy(145,38,"Go"); line(145,50,148,50); outtextxy(180,38,"Favourites"); line(186,50,190,50); outtextxy(255,38,"Help"); line(255,50,258,50); outtextxy(19,102,"Address"); line(34,114,37,114); outtextxy(79,102,"Object Oriented Programing in C++"); /////**************************TOOLS BAR***************///// //BACK setcolor(DARKGRAY); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,DARKGRAY); line(55,70,75,70); line(75,70,75,80); line(75,80,55,80); line(55,80,55,85); line(55,85,45,75); line(45,75,55,65); line(55,65,55,70); floodfill(56,76,DARKGRAY); } void anticlose() { setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); rectangle(609,9,621,22); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); floodfill(610,10,LIGHTGRAY); setcolor(WHITE); line(621,9,621,22); line(609,22,621,22); setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE,0,1); setcolor(BLACK); setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE,0,3); line(612,12,618,18); line(618,12,612,18); line(609,9,620,9); line(609,9,609,21); } void info() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(25,185,190,185); line(25,185,25,410); setcolor(WHITE); line(190,185,190,410); line(25,410,190,410); setcolor(DARKGRAY); settextstyle(4,0,1); outtextxy(30,190,"Group members:"); line(30,213,150,213); line(30,214,150,214); delay(200); outtextxy(30,220,"Naeem"); delay(200); outtextxy(45,245,"Ahmed"); delay(200); outtextxy(55,270,"Mahoto"); delay(200); outtextxy(30,295,"Roll No: 02SW08"); delay(200); outtextxy(30,345,"First Year"); delay(200); outtextxy(97,370,"2nd Term"); } void anti_info() { setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); line(25,185,190,185); line(25,185,25,410); line(190,185,190,410); line(25,410,190,410); settextstyle(4,0,1); outtextxy(30,190,"Group members:"); line(30,213,150,213); line(30,214,150,214); outtextxy(30,220,"Naeem"); outtextxy(45,245,"Ahmed"); outtextxy(55,270,"Mahoto"); outtextxy(30,295,"Roll No: 02SW08"); outtextxy(30,345,"First Year"); outtextxy(97,370,"2nd Term"); } }; //END OF WINDOW CLASS class Mouse { protected: public: void initmouse() { i.x.ax=0; int86(0x33,&i,&o); } void showmouse() { i.x.ax=1; int86(0x33,&i,&o); } void position(int *button,int*x,int*y) { i.x.ax=3; int86(0x33,&i,&o); *button=o.x.bx; *x=o.x.cx; *y=o.x.dx; } }; //END OF MOUSE CLASS class Calculator { protected: public: void calculator() { //MAIN RECTANGLE setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(209,134,411,428); rectangle(210,135,410,427); setcolor(DARKGRAY); rectangle(208,133,412,429); rectangle(213,137,408,425); //INNER MOST setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,DARKGRAY); floodfill(214,138,DARKGRAY); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,4); outtextxy(220,142,"Calculator"); //SCREEN setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(225,167,397,193); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,WHITE); floodfill(226,170,WHITE); rectangle(223,165,399,195); setcolor(DARKGRAY); rectangle(221,163,401,197); //CE BUTTON setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); rectangle(363,205,393,235); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); floodfill(364,206,LIGHTGRAY); setcolor(RED); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(372,213,"CE"); setcolor(WHITE); line(363,205,393,205); line(363,205,363,235); //BUTTONS int x=229,y=245; for(int j=x;j<=400;j+=45) { for(int k=y;k<=385;k+=45) { setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); rectangle(j,k,j+30,k+30); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); floodfill(j+1,k+1,LIGHTGRAY); setcolor(WHITE); line(j,k,j+30,k); line(j,k,j,k+30); } } //TEXT ON BUTTONS setcolor(BLUE); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(x+12,y+7,"7"); outtextxy(x+57,y+7,"8"); outtextxy(x+102,y+7,"9"); outtextxy(x+147,y+7,"/"); outtextxy(x+12,y+52,"4"); outtextxy(x+57,y+52,"5"); outtextxy(x+102,y+52,"6"); outtextxy(x+147,y+52,"*"); outtextxy(x+12,y+97,"1"); outtextxy(x+57,y+97,"2"); outtextxy(x+102,y+97,"3"); outtextxy(x+147,y+97,"-"); outtextxy(x+12,y+142,"0"); outtextxy(x+59,y+140,"."); outtextxy(x+102,y+142,"="); outtextxy(x+147,y+142,"+"); } // END OF CALCULATOR FUNCTION void credit() { setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); line(34,163,50,163); line(34,162,42,154); line(42,154,50,162); setcolor(WHITE); line(25,145,190,145); line(25,145,25,170); setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(25,170,190,170); line(190,145,190,170); line(32,156,40,164); line(40,164,48,156); setcolor(WHITE); line(32,155,48,155); setcolor(BLUE); settextstyle(7,0,1); outtextxy(85,147,"Credit"); } void anticredit() { setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); line(32,156,40,164); line(40,164,48,156); line(32,155,48,155); setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(25,145,190,145); line(25,145,25,170); setcolor(WHITE); line(25,170,190,170); line(190,145,190,170); //UP ARROW line(34,163,50,163); setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(34,162,42,154); line(42,154,50,162); setcolor(BLUE); settextstyle(7,0,1); outtextxy(85,147,"Credit"); } void anti7() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(229,245,259,245); line(229,245,229,275); setcolor(WHITE); line(229,275,259,275); line(259,245,259,275); } void anti8() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(274,245,304,245); line(274,245,274,275); setcolor(WHITE); line(274,275,304,275); line(304,245,304,275); } void anti9() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(319,245,349,245); line(319,245,319,275); setcolor(WHITE); line(319,275,349,275); line(349,245,349,275); } void antidivide() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(364,245,394,245); line(364,245,364,275); setcolor(WHITE); line(364,275,394,275); line(394,245,394,275); } void anti4() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(229,290,259,290); line(229,290,229,320); setcolor(WHITE); line(229,320,259,320); line(259,290,259,320); } void anti5() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(274,290,304,290); line(274,290,274,320); setcolor(WHITE); line(274,320,304,320); line(304,290,304,320); } void anti6() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(319,290,349,290); line(319,290,319,320); setcolor(WHITE); line(319,320,349,320); line(349,290,349,320); } void antimult() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(364,290,394,290); line(364,290,364,320); setcolor(WHITE); line(364,320,394,320); line(394,290,394,320); } void anti1() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(229,335,259,335); line(229,335,229,365); setcolor(WHITE); line(229,365,259,365); line(259,335,259,365); } void anti2() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(274,335,304,335); line(274,335,274,365); setcolor(WHITE); line(274,365,304,365); line(304,335,304,365); } void anti3() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(319,335,349,335); line(319,335,319,365); setcolor(WHITE); line(319,365,349,365); line(349,335,349,365); } void antiminus() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(364,335,394,335); line(364,335,364,365); setcolor(WHITE); line(364,365,394,365); line(394,335,394,365); } void anti0() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(229,380,259,380); line(229,380,229,410); setcolor(WHITE); line(229,410,259,410); line(259,380,259,410); } void antidot() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(274,380,304,380); line(274,380,274,410); setcolor(WHITE); line(274,410,304,410); line(304,380,304,410); } void antiequal() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(319,380,349,380); line(319,380,319,410); setcolor(WHITE); line(319,410,349,410); line(349,380,349,410); } void antiplus() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(364,380,394,380); line(364,380,364,410); setcolor(WHITE); line(364,410,394,410); line(394,380,394,410); } void antiCE() { setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(363,205,393,205); line(363,205,363,235); setcolor(WHITE); line(393,205,393,235); line(363,235,393,235); } }; // END OF CALCULATOR CLASS class Submain { protected: public: void submain() { Window w; Mouse n; Calculator c; Calculation cc; w.win(); c.calculator(); int i,o,button; int xx=235,yy=170; //START OF DIGITS ON SCREEN int dgt=0; //ARRAY VAR'S VARIABLE char var[11]; int check1=1; //CHECKS DOT COUNTING for ( ; ; ) { //START OF FOR LOOP n.position(&button,&i,&o); // MOUSE INITIALIZATION if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//ZERO { c.anti0(); if(xx<=347) //LIMIT OF DIGITS ON SCREEN { setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"0"); var[dgt]='0'; xx+=12; dgt++; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=274 && i<=304) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//DOT { c.antidot(); if(xx<=330 && check1%2!=0) //ONCE ONLY DOT WILL BE PRINTED { setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"."); var[dgt]='.'; dgt++; xx+=8; check1++; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//EQUAL { c.antiequal(); delay(200); c.calculator(); setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); xx=235;yy=170; outtextxy(235,170,var); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//PLUS { c.antiplus(); delay(200); c.calculator(); char *add=var; cc.addition(add); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//ONE { c.anti1(); if(xx<=347) { setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"1"); var[dgt]='1'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=274 && i<=304) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//TWO { c.anti2(); if(xx<=347) { setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"2"); var[dgt]='2'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//THREE { c.anti3(); if(xx<=347) { setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"3"); var[dgt]='3'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//MINUS { c.antiminus(); delay(200); c.calculator(); char *sbt=var; cc.subtract(sbt); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//FOUR { c.anti4(); if(xx<=347) { setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"4"); var[dgt]='4'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ((button&1)&&(i>=274 &&i<=304) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//FIVE { c.anti5(); if(xx<=347) { setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"5"); var[dgt]='5'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//SIX { c.anti6(); if(xx<=347) { setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"6"); var[dgt]='6'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//MULT { c.antimult(); delay(200); c.calculator(); char *mlt=var; cc.multiply(mlt); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//SEVEN { c.anti7(); if(xx<=347) { setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"7"); var[dgt]='7'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ((button&1)&&(i>=274 &&i<=304) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//EIGHT { c.anti8(); if(xx<=347) { setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"8"); var[dgt]='8'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//NINE { c.anti9(); if(xx <=347) { setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"9"); var[dgt]='9'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//DIVISION { c.antidivide(); delay(200); c.calculator(); char *div=var; cc.divide(div); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=609 && i<=621) && (o>=9 && o<=22) )//CLOSE { w.anticlose(); delay(200); exit(1); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=363 && i<=393) && (o>=205 && o<=335) )//CE { c.antiCE(); delay(200); c.calculator(); setcolor(WHITE); // CLEARS SCREEN settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(235,170,var); var[dgt]=0; dgt=0; check1--; //AGAIN SET CONDITION TO PRINT DOT xx=235;yy=170; } if ( (button &2)&&(i>=25 && i<=190) && (o>=145 && o<=170) )//ANTI_CREDIT { c.anticredit(); w.info(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=25 && i<=190) && (o>=145 && o<=170) )//CREDIT { c.credit(); w.anti_info(); } } ////////////////////////END OF FOR////////////////////////////////// } //////////////////END OF SUBMAIN FUNCTION////////////////*/ }; //END OF SUBMAIN CLASS class Base { protected: public: void addition(char*); //PROTOTYPES void subtract(char*); void multiply(char*); void divide(char*); }; ///////////END OF BASE CLASS/////////// class Calculation:public Base //INHERITED CLASS { public: }; //END OF CALCULATION CLASS //////////START OF MAIN PROGRAM///////////// int main() { clrscr(); int d=0,m; int button,i,o; initgraph(&d,&m,"..\\bgi"); Window w; Mouse n; Calculator c; Calculation cc; w.win(); c.calculator(); c.credit(); n.initmouse(); n.showmouse(); Submain s; for ( ; ; ) //INFINITE TIMES { n.position(&button,&i,&o); s.submain(); } //END OF FOR closegraph(); return 0; } //END OF MAIN ///////////DECLARATOR OF ADDITION////////////// void Base::addition(char*newvar) { double total=atof(newvar); char var[11]; goto DOWN; ADDITION: /////////ADDITION LABEL////////////////////// setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(235,170,var); total=total+strtod(var,0); setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING outtextxy(235,170,newvar); DOWN: //////////////////DOWN LABEL////////////////////// Window w; Mouse n; Calculator c; Submain s; Calculation cc; w.win(); c.calculator(); int i,o,button; int xx=235,yy=170; //START OF DIGITS ON SCREEN int dgt=0; //ARRAY VAR'S VARIABLE int check1=1; //CHECKS DOT COUNTING int checkresult=0; for ( ; ; ) { //START OF FOR LOOP n.position(&button,&i,&o); // MOUSE INITIALIZATION if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//ZERO { c.anti0(); if(xx<=347) //LIMIT OF DIGITS ON SCREEN { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(235,170,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"0"); var[dgt]='0'; xx+=12; dgt++; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=274 && i<=304) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//DOT { c.antidot(); if(xx<=330 && check1%2!=0) //ONCE ONLY DOT WILL BE PRINTED { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(235,170,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"."); var[dgt]='.'; dgt++; xx+=8; check1++; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//EQUAL { c.antiequal(); delay(200); c.calculator(); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(235,170,var); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING outtextxy(235,170,newvar); xx=235;yy=170; goto ADDITION; } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//PLUS { c.antiplus(); delay(200); c.calculator(); xx=235;yy=170; goto ADDITION; } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//ONE { c.anti1(); if(xx<=347) { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"1"); var[dgt]='1'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=274 && i<=304) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//TWO { c.anti2(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"2"); var[dgt]='2'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//THREE { c.anti3(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"3"); var[dgt]='3'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//MINUS { c.antiminus(); delay(200); c.calculator(); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING cc.subtract(newvar); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//FOUR { c.anti4(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"4"); var[dgt]='4'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ((button&1)&&(i>=274 &&i<=304) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//FIVE { c.anti5(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"5"); var[dgt]='5'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//SIX { c.anti6(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"6"); var[dgt]='6'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//MULT { c.antimult(); delay(200); c.calculator(); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING cc.multiply(newvar); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//SEVEN { c.anti7(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"7"); var[dgt]='7'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ((button&1)&&(i>=274 &&i<=304) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//EIGHT { c.anti8(); if(xx<=347) { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"8"); var[dgt]='8'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//NINE { c.anti9(); if(xx <=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"9"); var[dgt]='9'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//DIVISION { c.antidivide(); delay(200); c.calculator(); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING cc.divide(newvar); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=609 && i<=621) && (o>=9 && o<=22) )//CLOSE { w.anticlose(); delay(200); exit(1); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=363 && i<=393) && (o>=205 && o<=335) )//CE { c.antiCE(); delay(200); c.calculator(); setcolor(WHITE); // CLEARS SCREEN settextstyle(2,0,7); xx=235;yy=170; outtextxy(xx,yy,var); total=total+strtod(var,0); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); var[dgt]=0; dgt=0; check1--; //AGAIN SET CONDITION TO PRINT DOT s.submain(); } if ( (button &2)&&(i>=25 && i<=190) && (o>=145 && o<=170) )//ANTI_CREDIT { c.anticredit(); w.info(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=25 && i<=190) && (o>=145 && o<=170) )//CREDIT { c.credit(); w.anti_info(); } } ////////////////////////END OF WHILE////////////////////////////////// } //////////////////END OF ADDITION FUNCTION////////////////*/ void Base::subtract(char*newvar) { double total=atof(newvar); char var[11]; int xx=235,yy=170; //START OF DIGITS ON SCREEN goto DOWN; SUBTRACTION: /////////SUBTRACTION LABEL//////////////// setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,var); total=total-strtod(var,0); setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); DOWN: //////////////////DOWN LABEL////////////////////// Window w; Mouse n; Calculator c; Submain s; Calculation cc; w.win(); c.calculator(); int i,o,button; int dgt=0; //ARRAY VAR'S VARIABLE int check1=1; //CHECKS DOT COUNTING int checkresult=0; for ( ; ; ) { //START OF FOR LOOP n.position(&button,&i,&o); // MOUSE INITIALIZATION if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//ZERO { c.anti0(); if(xx<=347) //LIMIT OF DIGITS ON SCREEN { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"0"); var[dgt]='0'; xx+=12; dgt++; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=274 && i<=304) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//DOT { c.antidot(); if(xx<=330 && check1%2!=0) //ONCE ONLY DOT WILL BE PRINTED { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"."); var[dgt]='.'; dgt++; xx+=8; check1++; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//EQUAL { c.antiequal(); delay(200); c.calculator(); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); xx=235;yy=170; outtextxy(xx,yy,var); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); goto SUBTRACTION; } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//PLUS { c.antiplus(); delay(200); c.calculator(); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING cc.addition(newvar); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//ONE { c.anti1(); if(xx<=347) { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"1"); var[dgt]='1'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=274 && i<=304) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//TWO { c.anti2(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"2"); var[dgt]='2'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//THREE { c.anti3(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"3"); var[dgt]='3'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//MINUS { c.antiminus(); delay(200); c.calculator(); xx=235;yy=170; goto SUBTRACTION; } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//FOUR { c.anti4(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"4"); var[dgt]='4'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ((button&1)&&(i>=274 &&i<=304) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//FIVE { c.anti5(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"5"); var[dgt]='5'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//SIX { c.anti6(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"6"); var[dgt]='6'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//MULT { c.antimult(); delay(200); c.calculator(); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING cc.multiply(newvar); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//SEVEN { c.anti7(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"7"); var[dgt]='7'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ((button&1)&&(i>=274 &&i<=304) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//EIGHT { c.anti8(); if(xx<=347) { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"8"); var[dgt]='8'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//NINE { c.anti9(); if(xx <=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"9"); var[dgt]='9'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//DIVISION { c.antidivide(); delay(200); c.calculator(); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING cc.divide(newvar); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=609 && i<=621) && (o>=9 && o<=22) )//CLOSE { w.anticlose(); delay(200); exit(1); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=363 && i<=393) && (o>=205 && o<=335) )//CE { c.antiCE(); delay(200); c.calculator(); var[dgt]=0; dgt=0; check1--; //AGAIN SET CONDITION TO PRINT DOT setcolor(WHITE); // CLEARS SCREEN settextstyle(2,0,7); xx=235;yy=170; outtextxy(xx,yy,var); total=total-strtod(var,0); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); s.submain(); } if ( (button &2)&&(i>=25 && i<=190) && (o>=145 && o<=170) )//ANTI_CREDIT { c.anticredit(); w.info(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=25 && i<=190) && (o>=145 && o<=170) )//CREDIT { c.credit(); w.anti_info(); } } ////////////////////////END OF WHILE////////////////////////////////// } //////////////////END OF SUBTRACTION FUNCTION////////////////*/ void Base::multiply(char*newvar) { double total=atof(newvar); char var[11], *endptr; int xx=235,yy=170; //START OF DIGITS ON SCREEN goto DOWN; MULTIPLICATION: ///////// MULTIPLICATION LABEL/////////////// setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,var); total=total*strtod(var,&endptr); setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); DOWN: ////////////DOWN LABEL////////////////////// Window w; Mouse n; Calculator c; Submain s; Calculation cc; w.win(); c.calculator(); int i,o,button; int dgt=0; //ARRAY VAR'S VARIABLE int check1=1; //CHECKS DOT COUNTING int checkresult=0; for ( ; ; ) { ////////START OF FOR LOOP //////////// n.position(&button,&i,&o); // MOUSE INITIALIZATION if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//ZERO { c.anti0(); if(xx<=347) //LIMIT OF DIGITS ON SCREEN { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"0"); var[dgt]='0'; xx+=12; dgt++; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=274 && i<=304) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//DOT { c.antidot(); if(xx<=330 && check1%2!=0 ) //ONCE ONLY DOT WILL BE PRINTED { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"."); var[dgt]='.'; dgt++; xx+=8; check1++; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//EQUAL { c.antiequal(); delay(200); c.calculator(); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); xx=235;yy=170; outtextxy(xx,yy,var); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); goto MULTIPLICATION; } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//PLUS { c.antiplus(); delay(200); c.calculator(); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING cc.addition(newvar); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//ONE { c.anti1(); if(xx<=347) { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"1"); var[dgt]='1'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=274 && i<=304) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//TWO { c.anti2(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"2"); var[dgt]='2'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//THREE { c.anti3(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"3"); var[dgt]='3'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//MINUS { c.antiminus(); delay(200); c.calculator(); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING cc.subtract(newvar); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//FOUR { c.anti4(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"4"); var[dgt]='4'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ((button&1)&&(i>=274 &&i<=304) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//FIVE { c.anti5(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"5"); var[dgt]='5'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//SIX { c.anti6(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"6"); var[dgt]='6'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//MULT { c.antimult(); delay(200); c.calculator(); xx=235;yy=170; goto MULTIPLICATION; } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//SEVEN { c.anti7(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"7"); var[dgt]='7'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ((button&1)&&(i>=274 &&i<=304) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//EIGHT { c.anti8(); if(xx<=347) { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"8"); var[dgt]='8'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//NINE { c.anti9(); if(xx <=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"9"); var[dgt]='9'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//DIVISION { c.antidivide(); delay(200); c.calculator(); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING cc.divide(newvar); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=609 && i<=621) && (o>=9 && o<=22) )//CLOSE { w.anticlose(); delay(200); exit(1); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=363 && i<=393) && (o>=205 && o<=335) )//CE { c.antiCE(); delay(200); c.calculator(); setcolor(WHITE); // CLEARS SCREEN settextstyle(2,0,7); xx=235;yy=170; outtextxy(xx,yy,var); total=total*strtod(var,&endptr); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); var[dgt]=0; dgt=0; check1--; //AGAIN SET CONDITION TO PRINT DOT s.submain(); } if ( (button &2)&&(i>=25 && i<=190) && (o>=145 && o<=170) )//ANTI_CREDIT { c.anticredit(); w.info(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=25 && i<=190) && (o>=145 && o<=170) )//CREDIT { c.credit(); w.anti_info(); } } ///////////////////END OF FOR//////////////////////// } //////////////////END OF MULTIPLY FUNCTION//////////////// void Base::divide(char*newvar) { double total=atof(newvar); char var[11], *end; int xx=235,yy=170; //START OF DIGITS ON SCREEN goto DOWN; DIVISION: ///////// DIVISION LABEL/////////////// setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,var); total=total/strtod(var,&end); setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); DOWN: ////////////DOWN LABEL////////////////////// Window w; Mouse n; Calculator c; Submain s; Calculation cc; w.win(); c.calculator(); int i,o,button; int dgt=0; //ARRAY VAR'S VARIABLE int check1=1; //CHECKS DOT COUNTING int checkresult=0; for ( ; ; ) { ////////START OF FOR LOOP //////////// n.position(&button,&i,&o); // MOUSE INITIALIZATION if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//ZERO { c.anti0(); if(xx<=347) //LIMIT OF DIGITS ON SCREEN { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"0"); var[dgt]='0'; xx+=12; dgt++; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=274 && i<=304) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//DOT { c.antidot(); if(xx<=330 && check1%2!=0 ) //ONCE ONLY DOT WILL BE PRINTED { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"."); var[dgt]='.'; dgt++; xx+=8; check1++; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//EQUAL { c.antiequal(); delay(200); c.calculator(); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); xx=235;yy=170; outtextxy(xx,yy,var); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); goto DIVISION; } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=380 && o<=410) )//PLUS { c.antiplus(); delay(200); c.calculator(); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING cc.addition(newvar); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//ONE { c.anti1(); if(xx<=347) { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"1"); var[dgt]='1'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=274 && i<=304) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//TWO { c.anti2(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"2"); var[dgt]='2'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//THREE { c.anti3(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"3"); var[dgt]='3'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=335 && o<=365) )//MINUS { c.antiminus(); delay(200); c.calculator(); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING cc.subtract(newvar); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//FOUR { c.anti4(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"4"); var[dgt]='4'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ((button&1)&&(i>=274 &&i<=304) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//FIVE { c.anti5(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"5"); var[dgt]='5'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//SIX { c.anti6(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"6"); var[dgt]='6'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=290 && o<=320) )//MULT { c.antimult(); delay(200); c.calculator(); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING cc.multiply(newvar); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=229 && i<=259) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//SEVEN { c.anti7(); if(xx<=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"7"); var[dgt]='7'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ((button&1)&&(i>=274 &&i<=304) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//EIGHT { c.anti8(); if(xx<=347) { if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"8"); var[dgt]='8'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=319 && i<=349) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//NINE { c.anti9(); if(xx <=347) {if (checkresult==0) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); checkresult++; } setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(2,0,7); outtextxy(xx,yy,"9"); var[dgt]='9'; dgt++; xx+=12; } delay(200); c.calculator(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=364 && i<=394) && (o>=245 && o<=275) )//DIVISION { c.antidivide(); delay(200); c.calculator(); xx=235;yy=170; goto DIVISION; } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=609 && i<=621) && (o>=9 && o<=22) )//CLOSE { w.anticlose(); delay(200); exit(1); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=363 && i<=393) && (o>=205 && o<=335) )//CE { c.antiCE(); delay(200); c.calculator(); setcolor(WHITE); // CLEARS SCREEN settextstyle(2,0,7); xx=235;yy=170; outtextxy(xx,yy,var); total=total/strtod(var,&end); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(2,0,7); gcvt(total, 3, newvar); //CHANGES LONG TO STRING outtextxy(xx,yy,newvar); var[dgt]=0; dgt=0; check1--; //AGAIN SET CONDITION TO PRINT DOT s.submain(); } if ( (button &2)&&(i>=25 && i<=190) && (o>=145 && o<=170) )//ANTI_CREDIT { c.anticredit(); w.info(); } if ( (button &1)&&(i>=25 && i<=190) && (o>=145 && o<=170) )//CREDIT { c.credit(); w.anti_info(); } } ///////////////////END OF FOR//////////////////////// } //////////////////END OF DIVIDE FUNCTION////////////////
C Program To Create A Perfect Calculator
January 04, 2015
Bhanu Namikaze

Bhanu Namikaze
Bhanu Namikaze is an Ethical Hacker, Security Analyst, Blogger, Web Developer and a Mechanical Engineer. He Enjoys writing articles, Blogging, Debugging Errors and Capture the Flags. Enjoy Learning; There is Nothing Like Absolute Defeat - Try and try until you Succeed.
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