C Program To Maintain a Double Linked List

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* structure representing a node of the doubly linked list */
struct dnode
      struct dnode *prev ;
      int data ;
      struct dnode * next ;
} ;
typedef struct dnode dnode;
void d_append ( dnode **, int ) ;
void d_addatbeg ( dnode **, int ) ;
void d_addafter ( dnode *, int , int ) ;
void d_display ( dnode * ) ;
int d_count ( dnode *  ) ;
void d_delete ( dnode **, int ) ;

void main( )
      dnode *p ;

      p = NULL ;  /* empty doubly linked list */
      d_append ( &p , 11 ) ;
      d_append ( &p , 2 ) ;
      d_append ( &p , 14 ) ;
      d_append ( &p , 17 ) ;
      d_append ( &p , 99 ) ;
      d_display ( p ) ;
      printf ( "\nNo. of elements in the DLL = %d\n", d_count ( p ) ) ;

      d_addatbeg ( &p, 33 ) ;
      d_addatbeg ( &p, 55 ) ;

      d_display ( p ) ;
      printf ( "\nNo. of elements in the DLL = %d\n", d_count ( p ) ) ;

      d_addafter ( p, 4, 66 ) ;
      d_addafter ( p, 2, 96 ) ;

      d_display ( p ) ;
      printf ( "\nNo. of elements in the DLL = %d\n", d_count ( p ) ) ;

      d_delete ( &p, 55 ) ;
      d_delete ( &p, 2 ) ;
      d_delete ( &p, 99 ) ;

      d_display ( p ) ;
      printf ( "\nNo. of elements in the DLL = %d\n", d_count ( p ) ) ;

/* adds a new node at the end of the doubly linked list */
void d_append ( dnode **s, int num )
      dnode *r, *q = *s ;

      /* if the linked list is empty */
      if ( *s == NULL )
            /*create a new node */
            *s = malloc ( sizeof ( dnode ) ) ;
            ( *s ) -> prev = NULL ;
            ( *s ) -> data = num ;
            ( *s ) -> next = NULL ;
            /* traverse the linked list till the last node is reached */
            while ( q -> next != NULL )
                  q = q -> next ;
            /* add a new node at the end */
            r = malloc ( sizeof ( dnode ) ) ;
            r -> data = num ;
            r -> next = NULL ;
            r -> prev = q ;
            q -> next = r ;

/* adds a new node at the begining of the linked list */
void d_addatbeg ( dnode **s, int num )
      dnode *q ;
      /* create a new node */
      q = malloc ( sizeof ( dnode ) ) ;
      /* assign data and pointer to the new node */
      q -> prev = NULL ;
      q -> data = num ;
      q -> next = *s ;

      /* make new node the head node */
      if((*s)!= NULL)
        ( *s ) -> prev = q ;
*s = q ;

/* adds a new node after the specified number of nodes */
void d_addafter ( dnode *q, int loc, int num )
      dnode *temp ;
      int i ;
      /* skip to desired portion */
      for ( i = 0 ; i < loc ; i++ )
            q = q -> next ;
            /* if end of linked list is encountered */
            if ( q == NULL )
                  printf ( "\nThere are less than %d elements", loc );
                  return ;
      /* insert new node */
      q = q -> prev ;
      temp = malloc ( sizeof ( dnode ) ) ;
      temp -> data = num ;
      temp -> prev = q ;
      temp -> next = q -> next ;
      temp -> next -> prev = temp ;
      q -> next = temp ;

/* displays the contents of the linked list */
void d_display ( dnode *q )
      printf ( "\n" ) ;

      /* traverse the entire linked list */
      while ( q != NULL )
            printf ( "%2d\t", q -> data ) ;
            q = q -> next ;

/* counts the number of nodes present in the linked list */
int d_count ( dnode * q )
      int c = 0 ;
      /* traverse the entire linked list */
      while ( q != NULL )
            q = q -> next ;
            c++ ;

      return c ;

/* deletes the specified node from the doubly linked list */
void d_delete ( dnode **s, int num )
      dnode *q = *s ;

      /* traverse the entire linked list */
      while ( q != NULL )
            /* if node to be deleted is found */
            if ( q -> data == num )
                  /* if node to be deleted is the first node */
                  if ( q == *s )
                        *s = ( *s ) -> next ;
                        ( *s ) -> prev = NULL ;
                        /* if node to be deleted is the last node */
                        if ( q -> next == NULL )
                              q -> prev -> next = NULL ;
                        /* if node to be deleted is any intermediate node */
                              q -> prev -> next = q -> next ;
                              q -> next -> prev = q -> prev ;
                        free ( q ) ;
                  return ;  /* return back after deletion */
            q = q -> next ; /* go to next node */
      printf ( "\n%d not found.", num ) ;

Bhanu Namikaze

Bhanu Namikaze is an Ethical Hacker, Security Analyst, Blogger, Web Developer and a Mechanical Engineer. He Enjoys writing articles, Blogging, Debugging Errors and Capture the Flags. Enjoy Learning; There is Nothing Like Absolute Defeat - Try and try until you Succeed.

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