With an increase in
technology, lots and lots of vulnerabilities are popping up daily. To keep up
with such fast technology growth, everyone needs to update themselves with the
latest hacking and exploitation tactics. Just knowing how the technology works are
of no use, you need to practice hard to improve yourself.

There are many kinds of
penetration testers, some of the pen testers are web application pen testers,
Network penetration testers, wireless pen testers, IOT pen testers, Blockchain
pen testers and many more. Choose what you want to start with. Eventually to
become an omniscient hacker you need to learn everything for sure. Hacking is
not just penetration testing, you should be able to code, perform malware
analysis, think out of the box, perform forensic analysis and most important qualification
is Never give up, try and try until you or the system die.
How do I Start to learn Learning Hacking?
Hacking is quite a long
process, Never jump to exploitations directly, start with reading books &
watching videos on security and hacking basics. There are many free books
online through which you can get a lot of understanding of how things work. For
web application pen testing I would suggest Web Hacking 101 book which
describes web application penetration testing very clearly.
It's not possible to learn hacking overnight,
the more practice you do, the much better hacker you become. There should
always be a process to start anything, it's the same for hacking as well. There
is something called the cyber kill chain framework or the order or phases to be
followed to hack something. Even if you are trying any advanced techniques,
these phases are mandatory.
Basics of Networking (This is enough to start with)
Web Hacking 101 (Very Clear Explanation of Web Application
There are many books which
are of hundreds of pages, but these two books are enough to start with. I don't
want to get you bored with lots of stuff. Reading books will never get you
anywhere (of course books are important to gain knowledge), but ultimately you
need to practice on your own. Start with these books and in this article I
mentioned a few other platforms to improve your hacking skills to a great
extent. You can test and improve your hacking and penetration testing skills. You can check out the Free Ethical Hacking Course Which covers almost all basics.
Step by Step Process to Learn Hacking in a Professional way:
Security professionals,
ethical hackers, and even black hat hackers follow this way for the smooth flow
of process and documentation. Documentation and recording your progress is
mandatory to avoid any kind of issues. If you can follow these processes and practice
more you can learn to hack from beginner to advanced level in a short amount of
time compared to some random trial and error methods. By reading this you will
know the process to start with. All you need to is practice and enumerate more,
without enumeration you will get nowhere. Enumeration is the main and hardest
step in hacking anything, by practice you will learn to enumerate faster.
Phases of the Cyber Kill Chain Framework
1) Reconnaissance
2) Weaponization
3) Delivery
4) Exploitation
5) Installation
6) Command and Control
7) Actions on Objectives.
Phases to Hack/ Pen Test an Application/ Network/Operating System
1. Reconnaissance:
Reconnaissance or information gathering is the first step
in hacking or performing a penetration test. In the information getting phase,
you need to gather all the required information to hack or pen test an
application or a network. Without gathering the information it's like running
on the path that you don't know of. So, it’s good to start with information
gathering first. you need to perform a vulnerability assessment on the target
machine which can be done through nmap, Nikto, enum4linux, smbmap.
What to collect in Information Gathering?
Server details, Application platforms, languages used,
find all open ports, Applications along with their Versions Email address,
usernames, IP address, images/videos/docs, IM’s, Public records, location,
blogs and lot more
Tools for Information Gathering:
Nslookup, ping, Maltego, Recon-ng, shodan, nmap, Wappalyzer (chrome plugin)
2. Weaponization:
Based on the information gathered a payload (a malicious
piece of code which is to be run on a target machine) has to be developed which
is used to hack the target machine. A payload can be of any type or can be
developed in any language – a payload should be selected based on the
vulnerability available on the target machine. Payload should always be of a
very low size and undetectable.
Tools to create a Payload:
Msfvenom (can create any kind of payload), Empire, web
shells (thousands of web shells are available online)
3. Delivery:
Always target might not be in our network or sometimes we
might perform a black box testing and don’t have access to all the resources.
So, we need to create a path for ourselves and move on. We need to create a
vulnerability or make someone create a vulnerability and send our payload to
the target.
How to deliver the Payload?
Via email, IM’s, USB drive, embed with a pdf/word/image/audio/video
file, upload it on the target server, by finding file upload vulnerability.
Tools to deliver a payload
SET (Social Engineering toolkit), Go-Deliver Github
4. Exploitation:
After delivering the payload, you need to exploit the
target by exploiting the vulnerability present on the target machine to execute
the payload (Code). Most used exploits are Multi/handler and EternalBlue (just
to name few). Exploitation doesn’t only help you send the payload to the
victim, Exploitation can also be defined as cracking something using any kind
of algorithm/method/technique.
Tools for exploitation:
Empire, Aircrack-ng, Joth-the ripper, sqlmap
5. Installation:
In the Installation phase of hacking a network or an
application - you need not do much, just run the payload that you delivered to
the target, using the exploit. Sometimes
delivery, exploitation and installation might happen at the same time – that
might happen if there is any severe vulnerability like “File Upload
Vulnerability”. If you find this kind vulnerability it’s very simple to take
over the whole server just by uploading a suitable payload and getting the
required access.
For security, it's better to run your applications with a
low privileged access user account. That way even if the Application is
exploited, a hacker needs to gain access to the root to get potential
information. Getting a root from a user level is kind of difficult, Privilege Escalation
attacks are to be performed to gain root access. Which makes it harder for the
hacker to hack the system.
6. Command & Control:
Just installing the payload on the target machine is not
enough, you need to set up a communication channel between the target and the
hacker. To maintain command and control or in short C&C, hackers need to
maintain the payload in a persistence behavior. This is done by setting a
listening port on the hacker machine and running the payload on the target machine
or a simple reverse shell.
How to maintain a Persistence communication between the target and the hacker/attacker:
In most of the cases maintaining a persistent connection
is pretty hard, a persistent connection can be achieved by binding the payload
with the running process or the process which starts with the system
boot/startup like "Time".
Tools for Command and Control:
7. Actions on Objectives:
Now you got a persistence command and control connection
over the target machine. Finally, time to get the required potential
information from the target machine. You can use search functions to get the
required data and send those required files over the server by creating your
own file transfer session using any programming languages or tools.
Tools for Data Transfer:
Python HTTP server, PHP server, netcat, nc
Deleting Traces?
Just getting your information is not enough, you need to
clear tracks of your arrival and departure XD. I mean whatever you do on any
system, a log and an event are generated. A black hat hacker never leaves any
traces behind – what they do is "delete all the logs of their
activity" and disrupt their connection with the target machine as if
nothing happened.
So, how do a forensic investigator or a Security Expert Detect/Mitigate Hacking activity?
Let's take a scenario in
which an attack already took place and the security experts are unaware of the
attack before it happened and got to know about it only after the data loss.
What Forensic investigator or a security expert does is they go through all the
log activity and the running processes on the victim machine. Usually, in a
corporate environment, there exists a defense in depth-in-depth concept in
which logs are shared to the Security incident and event management (SIEM)
devices at a certain time interval, in which a log backup is always stored and
analyzed. In case all the logs were deleted on the victim machine, all those
deleted logs can be fetched from the SIEM.
Thus by reading the logs security experts can take action.
I will say once again “Enumeration is the key to Hacking –
Enumerate more and more. Even if you think you already hacked a device –
Enumerate it more, you might find some juicy information or you can improve
your knowledge”.
Here comes a question, how
do I improve? Well, there are lots of platforms to improve your hacking and
penetration testing skills and keep up the pace with the hackers. So, here are
the best Platforms to improve your hacking skills, some of them are applications,
websites, operating systems and forums. You need to work on all of the tools to
be a Pro. But practicing few can make you a lot stronger technically and
To hack or crack a real-time
machine you need to think out of the box, there are thousands to ways to hack
an application, but only a few works, we need to enumerate every process and
applications available on the target machine and exploit it.
All of this might
not happen in a day or two, you need a hell lot of patience and practice. So,
to help you increase your ethical hacking skills here is the list of platforms
that I think are best to improve your hacking skills. There are lots and lots
of walkthroughs and tutorials online for the Platforms that I provided here.
Best Platforms to Improve Your Hacking Skills
1) DVWA:
Damn Vulnerable Web Application
This is one of the best and basic applications available
for learning web application penetration testing and to improve your ethical
hacking skills legally, DVWA is an open source PHP/Mysql based web application.
DVWA does not contain all kinds of attacks to practice but this is the best one
to start and test your skills. In DVWA all the Vulnerabilities are classified
into 4 difficulty levels – Low, medium, Hard, Advanced. You can start with low
and try Advancing to Advanced level. Try exploiting everything.
This can be easily installed on windows by copying into
XAMP/MAMP/WAMP Servers, you can easily download and install them. For Linux,
you can either run it on a LAMP Server or you can even paste it into
/var/www/html and run apache2 server. You need to manually setup a few things
for it to work.
Default Credentials for DVWA is admin/password
Vulnerabilities to Practice on DVWA:
Request Forgery
Injection (BLIND)
2) Multillidae 2 – OWASP:
is an Open Source Web application to test, practice and improve your ethical
hacking skills. This is one of the projects by owasp. Multillidae contains all
owasp top 10 vulnerability of 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2017 as a separate category
to practice. Same as DVWA Multillidae has difficulty levels. Multillidae can be
run on windows as well as Linux. This is pre-installed on Metasploitable
and can be accessed very easily. Multillidae can work on XAMP, WAMP, MAMP and
Vulnerabilities to Practice on Multillidae: All OWASP TOP
OWASP Top 10 2007
A1 - Cross
Site Scripting (XSS)
A2 -
Injection Flaws
A3 -
Malicious File Execution
A4 - Insecure
Direct Object Reference
A5 -
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
A6 -
Information Leakage and Improper Error Handling
A7 - Broken
Authentication and Session Management
A8 - Insecure
Cryptographic Storage
A9 - Insecure
A10 - Failure
to Restrict URL Access
OWASP Top 10 2010
A1: Injection
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
A3: Broken
Authentication and Session Management
A4: Insecure
Direct Object References
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
A6: Security
A7: Insecure
Cryptographic Storage
A8: Failure
to Restrict URL Access
Insufficient Transport Layer Protection
Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
OWASP Top 10 2013
A1 Injection
A2 Broken
Authentication and Session Management
A3 Cross-Site
Scripting (XSS)
A4 Insecure
Direct Object References
A5 Security
A6 Sensitive
Data Exposure
A7 Missing
Function Level Access Control
A8 Cross-Site
Request Forgery (CSRF)
A9 Using
Components with Known Vulnerabilities
Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
OWASP Top 10 2017
Data Exposure
External Entities (XXE)
Access Control
Scripting (XSS)
Components with Known Vulnerabilities
Logging & Monitoring
3) VulnHub:
One of the best sites to test and improve your hacking
skills. VulnHub provides a lot of vulnerable machines, it contains all kinds of
operating systems with all kinds of difficulties. The best thing about VulnHub
is you can find a lot of walkthroughs for every vulnerable machine. You need to
download the vulnerable operating system – import the operating system into
your virtual machine and run netdiscover –r IPAddress/Range on your Kali Linux
or any other Linux Machine. Find the Ip address and start the cyber kill chain
I guess there are more than 100 vulnerable machines to
test and improve your hacking skill. Almost all of the machines are not more
than 1GB in size which is a fair size to download and learn. Just by hacking
the vulnerable operating systems from VulnHub you can become an advanced hacker
from beginner.
PROS of VulnHub:
1) Best Community – New
Vulnerable Operating systems will be added regularly
2) Available for both VMware
and Virtual Machine
3) Walkthrough available for
all machines
4) All Flavors of Operating
Systems available
5) Special Operating systems
for Web Pen testing/ Network Pen testing Available
6) OS size is not more than
1GB (Almost all of them)
7) You can submit your own VM
or a Walkthrough
8) Root 2 Boot Devices
9) CTF Type Vulnerable
machines Available
How to Run VulnHub Vulnerable Operating systems:
1) Download any OS
3) Make sure both the
Operating Systems (kali and the Vulnerable OS) are either on NAT or on Bridge.
4) Run “netdiscover –r IP/range”
netdiscover –r
4) HackTheBox:
Hackthebox is clearly not for beginners, first test your
skills on vulnhub then go for HacktheBox. To enter HackTheBox you need to solve
a very simple challenge. Once you solve the hackthebox
registration challenge, you can have access to hackthebox labs which are
too good. They even have challenges that are like CTF and the vulnerable
machines which are of boot 2 root type and updated regularly.
Hackthebox divides everything into Active and retired.
Every new machine or the challenge added to the hackthebox will be in the Active
Category. Once the machines become old or if the fan base is too low or for any
other reasons they take down its status and categorize that machine or
challenge as Retired. Unlike VulnHub, Walkthroughs should not be published for
active machines and active challenges in hackthebox. Once a machine is retired
anyone can publish a walkthrough. It is done so that, the vulnerable machines
are challenging.
CONS of HackTheBox:
1) Not all retired machines
are free to access, only 2 retired machines will be given to free users. You
need to purchase a VIP
2) VIP costs 10 Euros/Month.
The price is quite low for the quality of the machines.
3) You cannot download the
operating system and freely use whenever your want
4) Free users cannot reset the
PROS of HackTheBox:
1) All of the vulnerable
machines represent real world scenarios
2) No walkthrough for active
machines until they are retied.
3) Awesome Forum support – Lot
of people available online to help you achieve your goal by providing hints
4) Windows Servers/ Active
Directory vulnerable machines are also available
5) No need to download
anything, just connect to the HackTheBox servers via VPN.
6) Required very less
7) Europe and US Servers
available to access
8) Jobs Portal available
inside HackTheBox – you can opt for one.
Now you got to know about
all the processes and phases to be followed to start and learn to hack. So,
what are you waiting for?
Well, that’s all I wanted
to share in this post. So, give it a try – always follow cyber kill chain
framework and you can succeed in any attack. Just seeing and reading is never
enough, you need to practice harder to become elite hacker. Even a beginner can
start this and succeed in hacking just by practicing enough. Never try to hack
or do a pentest on the system that you don't have access to or written
permission to perform a penetration test.
When you are not able to get
something Google it, Google can provide you an answer for everything. If you
are not able to hack something means you didn't try enough. Always Enumerate More and More. Enumeration is
the key to success in hacking or penetration testing. Start with DVWA/ Multillidae
and then go for VulnHub Machines and HacktheBox. If you aspire to be a network
penetration tester VulnHub and HacktheBox are the best available resources for
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